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The Greater Lunar Cycle: How-to Manifest with the Moon

Happy New Moon in Leo!

We started a new cycle of growth on 28th of July, 2022 when the Moon renewed itself in the energies of Leo and our set intentions will reach full manifestation in 6 months during the Leo Full Moon.

Every 28-days, the moon renews itself in one of the 12 zodiac placements and helps us set new intentions and goals to work on for that cycle. This is the smaller lunar cycle.

However there is a much broader perspective that is referred to as the greater Lunar cycle.

While the moon cycle is 28 days, corresponding to 1 calendar month, the Moon has an overarching cycle where it experiences all phases (New - Waxing Crescent - Waxing Quarter - Waxing Gibbous - Full Moon - Waning Gibbous - Waning Quarter - Waning Crescent - Dark Moon - New Moon....cycle repeats itself on and on and on) in a sign over a 12-month period.

Imagine you are pushing a stone up a hill, and would need to dedicate an enormous amount of effort and concentration on getting your stone (goal) to the top of the hill. This period corresponds to the first 6 months of the Greater Lunar Cycle.

Using the Leo New moon as an example, Leonine energies speak to our creativity, self-expression, children, our inner child and how we allow the energies of the Sun radiate through our lives.

During the New Moon in Leo in July 2022, you'll set new goals around your creative projects, your children, your expression & performance skills, and how you shine your unique light. You basically identify the creative stone you want to push up the hill.

As the Moon waxes (grows) and forms a crescent in Leo by Sept 21st, 2022 - you begin to make plans and prepare on how to execute your goals i.e push your stone. When First Quarter arrives in Leo - you take action on your intentions and begin to push. Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo helps you refine & push forward on your goals.

By the time the Full Moon in Leo comes around on Feb 5th 2023, you'd be at the top of the hill celebrating your wins and releasing any losses around your creative ideas. Spend this time to take a look at your intentions for the new moon in Leo from six months ago and revise your intentions, if needed. This marks the end of the greater cycle of manifestation and growth, and the beginning of the cycle of revision.

But you can't stay at the top forever.

Now you've seen that there is more to be done and more hills to be conquered, so you begin the decline down the hill. This period corresponds to the Waning Gibbous Moon in Leo, where you harvest your benefits.

Next comes the Last Quarter Moon in Leo where you release any expectations or unfulfilled objectives. And by the time the Waning crescent in Leo rolls in, you are resting and reflecting on your goals from 11 months ago. So that by the next New Moon in Leo in August 2023, you are ready to set new intentions and manifest new goals.

As a Lunar shaman who works with the energies of the moon, I channel psychic messages and unearth deep soul revelations during the New Moon phases to help you get clearer on what you need to pay attention to for the next 6 months and how you can better manifest your desires in alignment with your Higher Self & purpose.

If you feel called to work with me, book a Reading & Guidance session.

I hope this insightful article on manifesting with the moon helped you get clearer on aligning your goal-setting practices with the natural energies around us.

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