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How to Finish Strong in Scorpio Season 2022

Astrological forecast for the final week of Scorpio Season 14 - 22/11/22

Scorpio has the reputation for being the sexiest of the 12 Zodiac signs.

Like most popular astrological beliefs, this is often unjustified. Scorpios need sexual fulfilment quite alright, but the intensity of Scorpio's passion can be channelled in many other ways.

What's most required is being able to creatively transform and channel the intense swell of emotions as it surges in your underbelly.

Following the intensity of last week's eclipses and the energy of the full Moon in Taurus, this final week of Scorpio will have its own full and demanding schedule.

Astro Forecast for 14 - 23/11/22

Before diving into the Astrological forecast for the final days of Scorpio season leading into Sagittarius season, make a promise to yourself to stay grounded in the present moment and consciously integrate the energies into your day-to-day affairs.

Moon Day 14/11/22

Moon is in Cancer but moves into Leo by early afternoon.

Before the Moon changes signs though and the atmosphere changes from nurturing to festive and performative, there will be a grand trine in all the watery signs so be on the lookout for intense emotions.

Early in the day, Moon trines Mercury in Scorpio and keeps us in touch with our feelings. This is a great time to express your feelings and also have a listening ear for others.

By mid-morning, there is an opposition to Pluto which might bring up some funny complexes. See it as an invitation to assert yourself. No guilt or inferiority complex is permitted. Don’t feel criticized or insulted either, you might just be more reactive due to how you are feeling about yourself. Breathe through it, let it go.

Then the Moon trines Venus in Scorpio and makes you more pleasant, try not to be too possessive or smother others with your care.

Before entering Leo, the Moon trines Jupiter and increases the feeling of warm congeniality. Today feel into how helping others also helps you.

Mars Day 15/11/22

Today is a great day to go off by yourself to think and meditate. You'll have a strong desire to understand a deeper, more spiritual level of reality. And you are able to think deeply and rationally.

Use today to get a clearer idea of where you are in your life and how well you have fulfilled your spiritual and material needs. You might also engage in discussions or negotiations around joint finances.

Your love for mystery will be heightened, so get curious. Go solve any puzzle that’s been niggling on your mind. But try not to direct this research energy into suspicious activities. Be on your best Sherlock Holmes behaviour, and don’t accept things at face value. What you discover today will be very impactful and change you for the better.

Overall, the Venus in Scorpio trine to Jupiter makes it an easy, graceful day for meeting with friends under the Leo Moon weather. You feel content and happy and this affects those around you favourably. It feels like a weekend. And you might be asked to help out without expecting anything in return.

Cons - not a great day to start something that requires your energy, you’d not be in a serious mode.

"...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" – Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of the Four (Doubleday p. 111)

Mercury Day 16/11/22

Moon is still in Leo, so the overall mode is festive. Also, get to the hair salon if you’ve been craving a visit. Watch movies and take up the main character's energy.

Today Mercury in Scorpio trines Jupiter in Pisces, making it a great time to make plans for the future and create some systems around your processes.

It is a nice day for signing contracts and concluding deals. If you don't give in to the temptation of avoiding mentally tasking subjects, you might get some creative mental work done.

Venus enters Sagittarius today and if you are an Aries Rising the next 3 weeks will be perception expanding and bring about personal growth. This will be triggered by love or attractive experiences around art, pleasure and beauty.

For everyone else, the area of life Venus in Sagittarius impacts will be determined by your Rising sign. Get your birth chart interpreted to uncover your blueprint and learn your rising sign.

Overall, this is a good time to listen to music from faraway land, explore art from unknown artists, travel to new places for the culture, take a vacation, and learn from your lover. You will be attracted to learning from people from different backgrounds and the difference is what drives the attraction. Foreign love affairs, falling for travelling strangers or people that seem more experienced than you is a theme.

Venus loves being in Sagittarius. But take care not to love and leave others hanging...don't make romantic advances that you have no intention of following through.

Jupiter Day 17/11/22

Mercury enters Sagittarius and the urge to learn and expand from foreign lands will increase. While Mercury is more about gathering info and analyzing it, Sagittarius is more about expanding philosophies and ideals. So be open to learning new things that switch up your worldview.

This is one of the best times too to practice positive affirmations. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the expansive planet. What you say literally manifests fast into your reality. What you say about yourself, determines what you experience.

You might have dealings with law enforcers, but it is favourable especially when you aren’t agitated about being on the other end of the baton.

Plan to travel if you can, over the next 3 weeks and plan to learn as much from different cultures as possible. You’ll be tolerant of other people’s opinions.

Moon is now in Virgo. Pay attention to your gut. Watch what you eat. This is a great day to plan a diet that is non-restrictive but very much balanced and highly nutritious, Try not to eat for your emotions.

Venus Day 18/11/22

Seize the opportunity today to make changes in your immediate environment and reform circumstances that you have been unhappy with, wield creative power for good.

Use these energies for the greater good of all. Clean up your house or clear up a messy situation, and confront the power of a group or collective that you deal with every day. Realign your intentions with the collective intentions - only if it is alignment with your unique soul path.

Today is a great day for deep thinking and getting to the bottom of whatever problem you are working on, You'll work carefully and investigate leaving no stone unturned.

Subjects that delve deep into unravelling the mystery of the human mind will be more attractive at this time - psychology, occult, yoga or techniques of personal transformation will attract you, and will be good for you at this time.

Moon is in Virgo, so watch out for criticisms and condescending behaviours from you or to you. But Great time for planning, budgeting and dieting.

Saturn Day 19/11/22

Mars in Gemini (retrograde) squares Neptune in Pisces bringing up feelings of doubt, discouragement and inadequacy.

This day might also bring up experiences that ask us to face the consequences of past actions. But nothing to get fretful about, as this transit occurs every 6 months, and they can be approached as mid-year reviews that help us check in with our heart's desires.

The energy of the square helps us to work against hard obstacles that deliver bounty, so fear not.

If you find yourself questioning if you're doing the right things and taking the right steps...this should be welcomed. But don't give in to the urges to cave in or give up if it seems that the desired results are not coming about. Neptune is the planet of dreamy illusions, and things might not necessarily look like they truly appear.

Keep calm.

And, don't listen to demoralizing advice. Evaluate what you are doing on your own terms and decide whether you are acting properly. Give yourself due credit where due. Don't take deceitful actions, but don't take any shortcuts in a bid to take the easy way.

Take stock but don't weaken your position.

Your physical energy might be low, but you wouldn't exactly feel like resting. Don't force yourself to do something you don't have the energy for. Conserve your energies for tomorrow or next week, when you can put into action any new discoveries.

This square might increase the risk of infections in the respiratory system, associated with chills and fever. Take care of injuries to the arms and lungs, especially on account of inebriated/drunk/altered states of consciousness.

Moon is now in Libra - pay attention to your Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, Veins, and Skin.

To learn more about the 8-month-long Mars in Gemini retrograde, and other upcoming transits get a copy of my book from Amazon.

Sun Day 20/11/22

The Moon is in Libra and Sun in Scorpio trines Jupiter in Pisces.

Day with good feelings, peace and harmony with others. Try to do something good and useful for yourself - go shopping for clothing, go dancing, visit the tailor and make some crafts. Great day to get your tailor on the same page with you. Your day-to-day activities might seem lucky but it’s because you act with your intuition more than usual.

Great day to look over your life and make positive changes without feeling too bad about communicating and releasing any losses that aren't fulfilling your heartfelt needs.

Your mind is eager for new experiences, So try out new activities, expand your mind, take a trip, enrol in distance learning, and learn a new subject that is out of your field but interests you and helps you understand the workings of the world as a whole.

Moon Day 21/11/22

The Sun in Scorpio's trining aspect to Jupiter in Pisces continues today while Mercury in Sagittarius also conjuncts Venus in Sagittarius.

Listen to music from faraway land. Buy art from unknown artists who use a different medium. Read poems from poets of different eras. Explore the world of art.

You would be might be interested in music, arts, or poetry from faraway lands. This is a great day to open your explore tab and listen to music you would normally not listen to. Great treasure awaits and you might craft a whole new playlist even if you don't understand the language.

The Moon is also now in Scorpio. Make sexual healing a theme instead of overthinking about your partner’s emotional availability.

You might also share your feelings of love with your partner, or disclose them to a 3rd party. If you previously had trouble sharing exactly how you feel, today you will be more articulate than usual and be able to intellectualize your emotions in a way that makes it seem connected and yet plain to see.

Pattern recognition will be high which is great for research work, especially in relation to business and financial dealings.

Most importantly, try to meditate if you've never done so before. Or consider undertaking a new hypnotherapy that leads you into the far recesses of your mind.

Mars Day 22/11/22

The Moon is in Scorpio and the Sun enters Sagittarius for the next 4 weeks.

Pay attention to your sexual organs. Make sure you cleanse and do vaginal/perineal steam before the New Moon in Sagittarius.

Try to broaden your horizon in every way possible. Study in new environments, and visit new parts of your city.

Take a new route when leaving home. Be open to having unfamiliar experiences. Willingly venture off the beaten path and go seeking an adventure. be open to travelling opportunities and meeting new people from different backgrounds,

Your enthusiasm and optimism can make even the most random encounter an uplifting learning moment.

Break out of your mould to try new things. But endeavour not to gamble or undertake unnecessary risks in with an over-bloated sense of confidence, luck might just run out and lead one into brushes with the law.

Yes, be open to expansive opportunities but don't go seeking that behind bars. Sagittarius also rules the laws, so be on the lookout and learn to bend without breaking the rules unless it's absolutely necessary.

You'd be more receptive to metaphysical, religious and spiritual concerns in general during Sagittarius season. But your Rising sign as seen on your natal chart would further shed light on the thematic area of life in which you'd experience Sagittarius's energy.

Mercury Day 23/11/22

New Moon in Sagittarius.

Take stock of your education and your performance in learning situations.

What deficits do you have? What attitudes about yourself and education are you allowing to get in the way of success? What were the attitudes of your parents and significant others about education? Are these attitudes still affecting you? Did unfortunate experiences in early education make you fearful or resentful?

As you've matured, have you allowed your newer strengths and capabilities to erase those fears and failures?

What about your beliefs, philosophies and ideologies? Which of these are yours? And which are acquired?

This New Moon brings the opportunity to set intentions around expanding beyond previous thought limits and thinking patterns.

Plan to write a capsule statement or mission statement about your philosophy of life. And tape this somewhere you can see for the next 4 weeks.

Every day, say your statement to yourself and try to align with these higher ideals.

Remember your beliefs colour your reality - by placing expectations on your life’s experiences and how you expect people to behave. Our actions in all situations come out of our expectations.

So expect good and you’d behave well to match the frequency of what you expect, cause your beliefs determine your actions.

That's all for the rest of Scorpio Season, folks...

To tune into the energy of the cosmos in a more personal way, sign up for the 3-month natal chart interpretation coaching session that helps you align with your soul and its desires for this lifetime.

Until next time, stay tuned and share this post with someone you love.


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