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Full Moon in Leo February 2023: Astrology of the moment + Channelled Messages for All Signs

Happy Full Moon in Leo!

The Moon is full and so are you!

As I type this in my cozy home-office with snow falling heavily outside the window, I can't help but be grateful for the heat & warmth of the sun.

Especially amidst the rising toll of dead & injured persons in the Turkey-Syria Earthquake, I am reminded once more that no minute is to be taken for granted.

Waking up to messages and calls from loved ones while I was slumbering off the last vestiges of Full-Moon induced sleep, made me realize how lucky I was to have only felt the aftershock and not be anywhere close to the actual earthquake site.

My prayers and heart-felt condolences go out to all the affected families. May peace & comfort envelop their hearts in this trying times. May their hope be restored and all they lost be replaced by the bountiful mercies of Source. May we all continue to be protected and kept safe wherever we may tread and lay our head to sleep.

In this post, I'll be covering the astrology of the moment and the channelled messages for all signs. If you'll like to jump ahead to the psychic readings, you can click here to be redirected to the Youtube playlist.

Astrology of the Moment: Turkey-Syria Earthquake

The February Full Moon in Leo is the Full Snow Moon and occurred on the 5th of February 2023.

The 65th Grammy Awards was held while the Full Moon was in Leo - the sign of performers and star-appeal, and while I am sure it wasn't coincidental, I'd much rather send some positive, uplifting energy to the people affected by the Earthquake in Türkiye & Syria which also happened while the Moon was full in Leo.

Türkiye as an individual is a Cancer Rising with Scorpio Sun and Gemini Moon. The Leo Full Moon occurred in its 2nd house of resources and landed assets. Over the Full Moon weekend, we also had a Sun-Uranus square happening with the Sun in Aquarius forming a 90 degrees angle with Uranus - now direct in Taurus.

As a Cancer Rising, Turkey has its 8H (Death, losses, transformation, other people's resources) and 11H (communities and groups) activated by the Sun-Uranus square and illuminated by the Full Moon in its 2H of resources & landed assets.

A square is one of the challenging aspects to work with as it brings energies of different elements together to create friction that results in a new solution/direction. In this case the disruptive energy of Air-Earth being brought together by the intensity of the Fire to be revealed in the Water house which completes the square energy. Square means 90 degrees, so happening in the houses positioned at 4 angles of the 360-degree natal chart.

The revelation of the energy of the Square took place in the Sun's natural House - 5H which is occupied by Scorpio - as a Scorpio sun.

In plain English, Türkiye experienced sudden disruptive changes to its resources and landed assets, which led to death, losses in its communities under the illumination of the Full Moon and mostly affected its children - its citizens.

Syria is also a Cancer Rising, but a Virgo Sun and Cancer Moon. While the same houses got affected, the energetic effect was less intense due to the absence of personal planets in the affected houses. In Syria, at least 2,662 people total have died, which includes at least 1,262 in government-held areas and at least 1,400 in rebel-held territories.

While I continue to send up prayers and comforting energy to all the families affected, this is a good example to show how knowing your birth chart can help make meaning of major life events. It also goes to further prove that no two persons are the same and your birth chart is uniquely yours.

If you are a Cancer Rising individual, you'd have experienced some similar loss process over the weekend. Remember Full Moons are a period of release and letting go, give yourself the grace to shed what you no longer need to hold onto.

Channelled Messages for All Zodiac Signs

On an energetic level, the February Full Moon came to shed light on our creative projects, how we show love to ourselves by being our most authentic self, and how we celebrate our uniqueness by showing up as the stars of our life.

The Full Moon in Leo helps us celebrate our wins and release any losses around intentions set during the New Moon in Leo, 6 months ago.

For this particular Full Moon, I started channelling and recording the psychic messages for all zodiac signs close to midnight on the 3rd of Feb and completed them in the morning of 4th.

Re-watching Cancer's recording now just feels me with awe at how Source works and always looks out for us.

Despite feeling really sleepy, I couldn't go to bed until I had completely channelled the messages for Leo - Aquarius. Eventually went to bed at past 2am, then woke up at 10am to complete the messages for Pisces - Cancer.

Source was very insistent on the messages going out as soon as possible, so I got to uploading immediately I finished. Now looking back, I only wish I'd distributed it faster as instructed instead of sticking to a publishing routine of 4 videos per day 🤦🏽‍♀️

#NoteToSelf - Lesson learned. F the algorithm. Listen to Source in all ways and always!

If you know any Cancer Risings/Suns, share the Youtube video of their psychic reading with them in particular - they really need all the assistance & clarity they can get right now.

For everyone else, I'd advise that you watch the channelled messages for your Rising, Sun & Moon signs for a 360°perspective and complete picture of what you need to revise any set intentions.

As always, if your message resonates, please like, leave a comment, subscribe and share with your friends so they can tune in. Thank you in advance.

Final Notes

We are still in Aquarius Season after all - this is a great time to be your brother's keeper. Consider donating to the ongoing relief efforts. Nothing is too small. Your prayers are a great place to start in addition to any funds and relief materials you can spare 🙏🏽

If you'd like to get a personalized reading, you can book a spot here or secure a year-ahead reading below.

10% of all bookings made from now till Aries season will be donated to the search-and-rescue relief efforts going on in Turkey-Syria regions 🕊️

I'd be back to my scheduled appointments in Pisces Season. Till next time, folks...remember it is the same life force that exists in everyone of is just in different manifestations!

Shine bright like a diamond 💎


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