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Aquarius Season 2023 & New Moon predictions

Fellow disruptor & citizen of the un-governable colony....

How has your Aquarius Season been going so far?

This blog post has been a long time coming, so bear with me. This is my 12H season after all and it always calls for a period of rest, retreat and recall of energies inward.

Happy solar return to my sweet Aquarians, keep giving us the insights we need to create a society that works for all!

If pressed for time, jump to the New Moon in Aquarius predictions for all zodiac signs here.

Otherwise, come along with me to explore how to best use the energy of Aquarius Season.

How-to: Aquarius Season in 7 steps

Aquarius is the sign of the water woman, Sophia, and its season is a period of acknowledging women as carriers of knowledge and enlightenment.

From January 20, 2023 - February 19, 2023, the sun will reside in the sign of Aquarius and would be helping us to purify, initiate and quicken all our intellectual and communication processes.

To make the most of this energy;

  • Study a challenging subject - During Aquarius season, study a subject that expands your perception and understanding of God - the entity. Might this be time for you to adopt a more gender-fluid role to God in your life? That's up to you. Just know that this is the season to indulge the impulse to change things for the better. And the more open you are to change, the more easily it flows.

  • Disrupt the Status Quo - Ruled by Uranus & Saturn, the gods of electricity, sudden changes, startling disruptions, time and structure Aquarius is the transformer, the revolution­ary who brings a love for the future into the present. While in Aquarius Season, make sure you question authority and rail against lies and all you previously held up as the absolute truth, as this is the only way to break free of illusions. #DisruptStatusQuo

  • Be open to changes - As an air sign - yes, Aquarius is an air sign not a water sign as its name & symbol implies...another tongue-in-cheek feature of this sign, Aquarius is the tornado that winds up at strong speed to exert forceful changes.

  • Share your resources - Its fixed energetic quality gives the natives of this sign the ability to harness people into groups, as well as gather resources and distribute accordingly. Aquarians are the Taureans of the Air element and this makes its natives financially abundant with enough largesses to share around with friends and family.

  • Improve your affiliations - While the Sun resides in Aquarius Season, spend time tending to your formal and informal groups and communities. Focus on finding the midpoint and connection between their ideals, alliances, and relationships to those of yours. Download the Saturn in Aquarius blueprint to learn how to create an aligned community and improve how you show up in your friendship groups.

  • Put your money where your mouth is - A proactive way of using the Aquarian energy is to examine the role of the different interactions in your life and how well it fulfills your individual needs. Learn to work in cooperation with others. Socialize more and study the people you associate with for the reflect you. Engage in group projects in personal and professional life. Let your personal idealism be roused for the causes and projects you fervently believe in.

  • Watch your New Moon messages - to set your intentions for the next 6 months and reap the rewards when the Aquarius Full Moon rolls in during Leo Season 2023.

New Moon predictions for All Signs

I'd advise that you watch the videos for your Rising, Sun & Moon signs for a 360°perspective and complete picture of what you need to set any new intentions.

Don't forget to like, leave a comment and subscribe if the messages resonated with you! Thank you in advance,

If these post resonated with you, please share with loved ones. Play your part in uplifting the collective consciousness :)

And if you would like to book a personalized reading or get your birth chart interpreted, secure your spot check right here.

Till next time, stay original!✌🏽


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