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Unlocking the Power of Mars in Virgo: 6 Ways to Thrive

Mars in Virgo woman in brown warrior fur coat and skull helmet

Mars's entry into Virgo on July 10, 2023, brings a deep need to analyze what we achieved in our creative activities during the Mars in Leo transit.

Since May 20, we've had Mars in Leo heating our willful creative expressions. We've had more moments to show up as our true selves in manners after our hearts' liking and not anyone's urging. We became more passionate and active in the area of life ruled by Leo in our charts.

In this time, Leo Suns, Risings & Stellium placements were especially more physically active and outwardly recognized.

However, today's entry of Mars into Virgo changes the direction and quality of our passionate energy & triggers to act. Leo's energy is more vivacious, playful, and outward pouring like the sun, unlike Virgo's which is more calculating, logical & restrained.

Not to say it is as heavy as Capricorn's or thick as Taurus's, but Virgo's energy is more like the thickness yet fluidity of concrete being poured into moulds. If the components needed to erect the building are of poor quality, then the structure built will not stand the test of time.

Virgo's elementary property of Earth and mutable energy quality ensures changes are sought & wrought even if you have to go over the most minuscule of details and review a million times. Best know, it would not be for nothing.

Mars in Virgo

Virgo rules service, and Mars' ingress into Virgo on July 10, 2023, brings attention to areas of life in which we serve others i.e. areas of life where you place the needs of others above self-gratification. In the setting of the 21st century, most of the service rendered is within the confines of employment. But Mars is not the most agreeable worker bee.

So this time is ripe for disgruntled employee meetings, and employers wanting to shuffle around teams and responsibilities to get more value for the job. Watch out for boastful tendencies and individuals taking the credit for teamwork.

Mars in Virgo triggers our ego to show up as our best selves with the work at hand. We take pride in our work and have no problems getting a lot done to the highest standards. Watch out for ego plays & take care not to bite off more than you can chew.

A book titled Cure diabetes unlock virgo identity power life with astrology

To learn more about Virgo identity traits and personality characteristics to improve your success at home & work. Or gain access to personality tools & templates to help you care for, understand & love your Virgo partner, get a copy of Cure Diabetes, Unlock your Virgo Identity & Power Your Life with Astrology.

Also available as a paperback on Amazon.

Mars in Virgo

Mars' fiery, impulsive, passionate nature doesn't like to be in Virgo because Virgo dampens Mars' natural go-go inclination with its deliberate cautiousness & shrewdness.

But the result of this transit, if dutifully undertaken as your service to humanity, will uplift your sense of self-worth. At the end of this six-week transit, you can expect to have a bounce in your footsteps as you emerge surer about your choices and decisions.

Even if performance review wasn't on your to-do list for this month, you can be sure that with the Mars in Virgo transit, you'd willingly or forcefully need to review the efficiency quotient of the standards, systems, and processes that guide and define where Virgo rules in your birth chart.

Below are six practical ways of working with Mars in Virgo this month and over the next six weeks.

6 Practical Ways to Work with Mars In Virgo

  • Exercise restraint - Learn to harmonize the intensity of Mars and not get too crabby or criticizing of others when they seem to waste your time, assets and key resources. This is one of the best ways to align with these elementary energies. Stay conscious of the tendency to belittle or criticize others' trains of thought and actions. Or perhaps adopt the Persian tradition of evaluating a decision in two states - when sober and when drunk.

  • Be a graceful lover - Learn to be accepting and graceful, especially with your lover. Mars rules passion and in Virgo, the sign of service, Mars can be a generous and giving lover. With Mars in Virgo sexuality is overall sedate. Sensual needs appear controlled but underneath the feigned restraint is a need to satisfy and be satisfied by your sexual partner. To learn more about Virgo sexuality and Virgo in sexual relationships, check out Cure Diabetes, Unlock your Virgo Identity & Power Your Life with Astrology.

  • Think and act strategically - Take time to evaluate multiple perspectives when problem-solving by being deliberate with your decision-making process before undertaking necessary changes. Don't get too carried away by focusing on the results and losing sight of the progress made. If your expected measure is not up-to-par, don't be too quick to discard the experience without evaluating the learned points.

  • Be open to being held accountable - Remain aware of the tendency to prove your point by exercising the supremacy of your thought process as the most shrewd. Learn to ease into receiving insights and input to help you make the most discerning decisions.

  • Focus on health & work - This is a great time to focus on health and work-related activities. Set up daily routines for yourself that involve completing rigorous & physically tasking activities. Take committed action towards strengthening your core and abdominal muscles. Mars in Virgo can increase the occurrence of infections, fevers or accidents, which are usually due to pent-up frustrated ego energies.

  • Be wary of analysis-paralysis - Set time limits for yourself when going into decision-making modes. Have a clear plan of what's to be achieved from the intervention. Use a SWOT model (or any of the other 20 decision-making models) to evaluate the worthiness of the changes you're willing to commit to before moving forward.

To further personalize the effect of this transit, look up the thematic area of life ruled by Virgo in your birth chart. This will show where you'd need to exercise caution before making decisions to ensure you get your desired results.

Your birth chart placement of Virgo also shows where you might tend to exhibit a natural tendency to negatively criticize others or hold others up to an impossible standard, if unchecked. However, it is an area in which you show up with exacting standards to deliver the best result.

Important Dates for Mars in Virgo

Note these dates in your planner, especially if you have heavy Virgo placements

  • July 19-21: Mars in Virgo oppose Saturn in Pisces.

  • July 31-Aug 31: Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus.

  • Aug 15-17 : Mars trine in Uranus

  • Aug 23-26: Mars trine Pluto

  • Aug 21-22: Mars in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces

  • Aug 27: Mars leaves Virgo

Ofc, everyone's experience of this transit will be nuanced to their peculiar reality. However, the guidelines discussed in this post will help you enjoy a smoother alignment with the universal energies available to all, regardless of your birth placement.

Let us know how your Mars in Virgo experience goes in the comments, and be sure to check out our previous articles :)


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